Formatting your papers

Document submission: Submit as a word document titled as “Full name_assignment” (for example: “Khushmi Mehta_final paper”

Standard text formatting: Times New Roman, 12 size font, double spaced, 1 inch page margins

First person usage: You can use first person singular (“I argue that…”) while developing your argument. While some scholars prefer to not use first person voice in their papers, I believe this is an important tool for expressing your opinion and analysis of artworks.

Italics and Capitalization: Titles of works of art are capitalized and go in italics (Mona Lisa), unless the title has been assigned to the work to describe what it is (e.g., Standing Figure), in which case only caps are required. Book, exhibition and website titles are capitalized and italicized. Use capitalization and “quotation marks” for article and chapter titles.

Images: Ensure that you include images of all artworks you discuss in the paper either at the end of the paper or in between where it is being discussed. All images should be captioned with: Artist name, title of the work (use “Untitled” if no title is given), date (use circa if only an approximate date is given), and medium (oil, acrylic, watercolor etc.)

Quotations and attributions: Exercise restraint in directly quoting from secondary sources, using direct quotes only if they significantly add to your argument. If you quote directly, be sure not to use quotes to ventriloquize others’ ideas—that is, do not quote without adding your own interpretation of the quote or analysing it further to explain how it supports the arguments of your paper. Whether directly quoting or paraphrasing, the ideas of the author must be attributed (refer to the page on “How to cite”)